The Section of Hygiene of the Department has always been interested not only in the control of the contamination of large environmental matrices, but also in the prevention and epidemiological surveillance of the population and in the planning and organization of health services.
The Hygiene Section is made up of no. 19 professors, most of them in the MED/42 (General and Applied Hygiene) disciplinary field (4 Ordinary Professors; 6 Associate Professors; 9 Researchers).
The main areas of research are listed below.
1. Studies and research aimed at describing the health phenomena related to the health of the population (infectious and chronic diseases, determinants of health and illness) and health care (prevention and care).
2. Studies and research aimed at identifying the determinants of health and disease, both proximal (risk factors) and distal (socio-economic factors and inequalities).
3. Studies and research aimed at the evaluation of efficacy and cost-effectiveness of health care interventions both preventive and curative; Health Technology Assessment evaluations and scientific literature reviews on bias of scientific evidence are also covered.
4. Studies and research aimed at planning, organizing and evaluating health care.
5. Studies and research aimed at analyzing pollution of large environmental matrices (water, air, soil) and food, as well as the means for its containment.